Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Error message when an Exchange Server 2007 user or an Exchange Server 2010 user tries to log on to OWA


when you see this long list of errors:


Url: https://:443/owa/lang.owa

User host address:


Exception type: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.StoragePermanentException

Exception message: There was a problem accessing Active Directory.

Call stack


Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.RequestDispatcher.DispatchLanguagePostLocally(OwaContext owaContext, OwaIdentity logonIdentity, CultureInfo culture, String timeZoneKeyName, Boolean isOptimized)

Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.RequestDispatcher.DispatchLanguagePostRequest(OwaContext owaContext)


waContext owaContext, UserContextCookie userContextCookie)

Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.RequestDispatcher.InternalDispatchRequest(OwaContext owaContext)

Microsoft.Exchange.Clients.Owa.Core.RequestDispatcher.DispatchRequest(OwaContext owaContext)


System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)

Inner Exception

Exception type:


Exception message: Property Languages cannot be set on this object because it requires the object to have version 0.1 (8.0.535.0) or later. Current version of the object is 0.0 (6.5.6500.0).

Call stack

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.PropertyBag.set_Item(PropertyDefinition key, Object value)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObject.set_Item(PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition, Object value)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObject.StampCachedCaculatedProperties(Boolean retireCachedValue)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObject.ValidateWrite(List`1 errors)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.ADRecipient.ValidateWrite(List`1 errors)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Recipient.ADUser.ValidateWrite(List`1 errors)

Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADSession.Save(ADObject instanceToSave, IEnumerable`1 properties)


Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Determine What Domain Controller Authenticated the User

How to Determine What Domain Controller Authenticated the User. In another words, which domain controller log you in?

You can do either at command prompt

set logonserver
echo %logonserver%

Thursday, July 29, 2010

VMware vSphere Host currently has no management network redundancy.


This message appears if the Service Console does not have network redundancy configured properly and can be safely ignored.

To prevent this message from appearing and to comply with proper network redundancy, VMware recommends that you add a second service console on a different vSwitch and subnet. Alternatively, you can add a second vmnic to the service console vSwitch.

To suppress this message on ESX hosts in the VMware High Availability (HA) cluster or if the warning appears for a host already configured in a cluster, set the VMware HA advanced option das.ignoreRedundantNetWarning to true and reconfigure VMware HA on that host. This advanced option is available in VMware Virtual Center 2.5 Update 3 and later.

Note: If the warning continues to appear, disable and re-enable VMware High Availability in the cluster.

To set das.ignoreRedundantNetWarning to true:
  1. From VMware Infrastructure Client, right-click on the cluster and click Edit Settings.
  2. Select VMware HA and click Advanced Options.
  3. In the Options column, enter das.ignoreRedundantNetWarning.
  4. In the Value column, enter true.

    : Steps 3 and 4 create a new option.

  5. Click OK.

9 security suites: maximum protection, minimum fuss

9 security suites: maximum protection, minimum fuss

Cisco, VMware, NetApp claim first end-to-end FCoE configuration

Cisco, VMware, NetApp claim first end-to-end FCoE configuration

Monday, July 5, 2010

How to fix OAB not updating in Exchange 2007

The way we fixed this was by going into Exchange Management Console (EMC) , Organization Configuration , Mailboxand then clicking on the Offline Address Book tab. Double click on the Default Offline Address Book then click on the Distribution tab and untick “enable web based distribution” .OK out of this menu, then go back in and retick the “enable web based distribution” , add the servers that you want to use for web distirbution and OK back out again.

You should now have an updated OAB when you download it again.

Another point to note is that if you have multiple Exchange servers is that you should have all of the servers are added in for “web based distribution”

Copy from http://www.shnake.com/blog/?p=301

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

VMware vDR

1. Install vDR plug-in. Make sure you install the plug-in on the machine where you install vSphere Client, else it won't show "VMware Data Recovery" under "Solutions and Applications".

vDR (VMware Data Recovery)

Some facts about vDR

- supports only vSphere ESX/ESXi hosts while other more mature products support both VI3 and vSphere
- supports only 100 virtual machines per backup appliance and 2 TB of source data
- block-based deduplication technology (cannot be disabled)
- built using the new vStorage API's in vSphere and is not compatible with VI3 hosts and virtual machines
- can back up virtual machines even when they are moved to other hosts by VMotion and VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)
- available only in the Essentials Plus, Advanced, Enterprise and Enterprise Plus vSphere editions
- full backups are initially performed and subsequent backups are incremental
- File-level recovery is experimental and only supported on Windows systems

What cloud computing really means | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld

What cloud computing really means | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld

Apple patches the iPhone but leaves the iPad vulnerable | Mobilize - InfoWorld

Apple patches the iPhone but leaves the iPad vulnerable | Mobilize - InfoWorld

HP announces new G7 rack and blade servers | Hardware - InfoWorld

HP announces new G7 rack and blade servers | Hardware - InfoWorld

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

usb not supported on VM and power on fail

After you add usb controller to VM, then you fail to powering on after you shut it down.

Here is the fix:

- edit .vmx, remove USB related line
- remove VM from inventory
- readd it to inventory

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

EVA Storage Management Concept

Software available in two versions:

1. Array-based storage management (factory installed)

2. Server-based storage management

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Exchange 2007 SCR (Standby Continuous Replication)

SCR is one type of Exchange 2007 Disaster Recovery.

How SCR works?

- To use the server recovery process, the installation path for Exchange Server must be the same for the SCR source computer and the SCR target computer.If these install paths do not match, the server recovery process will fail because the install path in the registry will not match the value for the msExchInstallPath attribute of the Mailbox server object in Active Directory.

- Using the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, the computer account for DR Mailbox Server Role is configured with full permissions on the Headquarter Cluster Mailbox Server/Mailbox Server computer object. This is done so that the computer account for Headquarter Cluster Mailbox Server/Mailbox Server can be reset by DR Mailbox Server in the event that DR site is activated because of a failure of Headquarter.
P/S: This step is used only on failover clusters running Windows Server 2008. This is because the Cluster service runs in the security context of the local system. This step is not needed on failover clusters running Windows Server 2003 when the same Cluster service account is used for both failover clusters.


SCR is configured so that transaction log files are being replicated from three storage groups on EXCMS1 to SCR targets on NODEC. This was configured using the following commands:

Enable-StorageGroupCopy EXCMS1\SG1 -StandbyMachine NODEC
Enable-StorageGroupCopy EXCMS1\SG2 -StandbyMachine NODEC
Enable-StorageGroupCopy EXCMS1\SG3 -StandbyMachine NODEC

To simultaneously enable all of the storage groups on EXCMS1 for SCR, run the following command:

Get-StorageGroup -Server EXCMS1 | Enable-StorageGroupCopy -StandbyMachine NODEC

Verify health and copy status:
- Test-ReplicationHealth
- Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus

e.g. Get-StorageGroupCopyStatus EXCMS1\SG1 -StandbyMachine NODEC

When disaster happen, how to recover?
1. Verify directory services and DNS
Prepare the SCR targets for mounting.
Restore-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG1 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Force
Restore-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG2 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Force
Restore-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG3 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Force

3. Remove the existing DNS record for Headquarter Mailbox Server (e.g..EXCMS1) from DNS.
P/S: This step is used only on failover clusters running Windows Server 2008. This is because the Cluster service runs in the security context of the local system. This step is not needed on failover clusters running Windows Server 2003 when the same Cluster service account is used for both failover clusters.

4. SCR is disabled for all storage groups to prepare for the /RecoverCMS process. If SCR is not disabled for all storage groups, Setup /RecoverCMS fails.

Disable-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG1 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Confirm:$False
Disable-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG2 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Confirm:$False
Disable-StorageGroupCopy -Identity EXCMS1\SG3 -StandbyMachine NODEC -Confirm:$False

5. The clustered mailbox server (EXCMS1) is recovered by using the /RecoverCMS option for Setup. The recovery takes place on NODEC using the following command to perform the recovery:
Setup.com /RecoverCMS /CMSName:EXCMS1 /CMSIPAddress:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Exchange 2007 - Export Individual Mailbox to PST

1. Prerequesites: Exchange management tools, Outlook 2007

2. Grant yourself the full permission to the mailbox.

o Add-MailboxPermission "Mailbox" -User "Trusted User" -AccessRights FullAccess

3. Run this command to export mailbox.

P/S: If you export fail with the following error message:

"Error occur in the step: Approving object. An unknown error occured.."

Monday, March 29, 2010

VMWare - Never expand a disk with a snapshot running

You should never expand a virtual disk while snapshots are active.

In ESX3.5, although it will allow you to expand a virtual disk with snapshot and VC will report that the tasks completed successfully, but in truth the disk not actually expand.

It's worst if you expand disk with vmkfstools while snapshot active, the VM will no longer start
and you will receive an error: "Cannot open the disk ".vmdk" or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. Reason: The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created." Fortunately there is a way to recover from this scenario, it is detailed in the VMworld 2007 presentation IO44: Top support issues and how to solve them – Batch 2.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ESX ssh root login

ESX ssh root login was disabled by default, to enable it:

1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

2. Edit line "Permit RootLogin" to yes.

3. Restart ssh service.
- service sshd restart

Monday, March 22, 2010

Configure sudo on ESX

1. edit /etc/sudoers

2. add user under #User privilege specification

# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
abcd ALL=(ALL) ALL

Friday, March 5, 2010

Error 0x80190194 when using an Outlook 2007 client to download a Web Distribution enabled OAB

If you'are in mutiple domain site, OAB may not works after migration to Exchange 2007.

Here the fix.

1. Identify Exchange server which have OAB working fine and locate D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\OAB, looks for , something similar like this

2. Copy the to the Exchange server D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\ClientAccess\OAB that has OAB problem.

3. Assign READ access to Authenticated Users.

Now it should works.

Monday, March 1, 2010

KMS - Key Management Server

Where to look for your KMS DNS record and identify your KMS hostname.

KMS requires minimum number of computers (physical or VM) in a network environments. At least 5 Windows Server 2008 R2 and 25 Windows 7 clients are needed. These minimums are referred to as activation threshold.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CSS Properties



Thursday, February 11, 2010

ESX Architecture

  1. Service Console (COS -Console Operating System)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (Update 6) based Linux distribution that is heavily modified and stripped down to provide a lightweight management interface of the VMkernel to the end user.
- primary function of the Service Console is to bootstrap and turn over full control of all hardware resources to the VMkernel.
- assigned a default value of 272 MB of physical host memory to execute processes and manage the small amount of physical hardware that the VMkernel doesn’t manage.
- runs as a privileged virtual machine inside the VMkernel and is subject to resource allocation
and scheduling alongside other virtual machines running on the ESX host.
- responsible for user interaction with ESX (SSH, web, Virtual Client,Direct console access)

VMware VMotion

  • shared storage
  • same virtual switches
  1. memory state transferred from source to dest
  2. vm configuration settings sent from source to dest
  3. final memory state transferred from source to dest
  4. control of the vm taken by the destination host (includes transferring the SCSI reservation for the VMDKs and sending an arp request from the VM NICs to dictate the MAC address has switched network ports)
When you will need this?
- Maintenance
- Patching
- Resource utilization load balance (automated with DRS)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

mySQL commands - User Account Management

A MySQL account is defined in terms of a user name and the client host or hosts from which the user can connect to the server.
MySQL user names can be up to 16 characters long.

shell>mysql --u monty --pguess db_name
shell>mysql --user=monty --password=guess dbname

Create a db and user, assign privilges to the user for db access
mysql>create database wordpress;

mysql>create user 'wpuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'P@$$w0rd';

mysql>grant usage on *.* to wpuser@localhost;
(allow user wpuser to connect to the server from localhost using the password P@$$w0rd)

mysql>grant all privileges on wordpress.* to wpuser@localhost;
(grant all privileges on the wordpress database to user wpuser)

mySQL commands with database and tables

Keywords may be entered in any lettercase.

mysql> quit
mysql> select version(), current_date;
mysql> select now();
mysql> select user();

\c use to cancel a command

mysql>show databases;
mysql>create database test;
mysql>use test
Database changed
mysql>create table pet (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20),
->species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE);
mysql>show tables;
mysql>describe pet;

Insert data into table
mysql>load data local infile '/path/pet.txt' into table pet;
mysql>insert into pet values ('puffball','diane','hamster','f','1999-03-30',NULL);

SELECT statement is used to pull information
mysql>SELECT what to select FROM which table WHERE conditions_to_satisfy;
mysql>SELECT * FROM pet;
mysql>SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name = 'Bowser';
mysql>SELECT * FROM pet WHERE species = 'dog' AND sex = 'f';
mysql>SELECT * FROM pet WHERE species = 'snake' OR species = 'bird';
mysql>SELECT * FROM pet WHERE (species = 'cat' AND sex = 'm')
->OR (species = 'dog' AND sex = 'f'');
mysql>SELECT name,birth FROM pet;
mysql>SELECT DISTINCT owner FROM pet; (minimize output,retrieve each unique output record just once by adding keyword DISTINCT)
mysql>SELECT name,birth FROM pet ORDER BY birth;
mysql>SELECT name,birth FROM pet ORDER BY birth DESC; (DESC keyword to sort in reverse order)

UPDATE changes only the record in question and does not require you to reload the table
mysql>UPDATE pet SET birth = '1989-08-31' WHERE name = 'Bowser';

mysql>SELECT name,birth, CURDATE(),
->(YEAR(CURDATE()) - YEAR(birth))
-> - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)AS age
->FROM pet ORDER BY age;

mysql>SELECT name,birth, CURDATE(),
->(YEAR(CURDATE()) - YEAR(birth))
-> - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)AS age

Missing Microsoft SQL Management Studio after installation

If after you spend few hours install Microsoft SQL 2005 and found that Management Studio missing.

Don't panic, here's the solution!

1. Look for SqlRun_Tools.msi under your Setup folder CD2.

2. Select install "Client Components".

You're done.

However, you may received the following error message during the process.

"a component that you have specified in the ADD_LOCAL property is already installed. To upgrade the existing component, refer to the template.ini and set the UPGRADE property to the name of the component"

Then you need to do few more steps:

3. Go to Add/Remove Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Remove.

4. Check "Workstation Components" to remove and proceed.
P/S: Uncheck any other components!

5. After removal of "Workstation components", repeat Step 1 and 2 again to install Management Studio.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Planning - Upgrading VMware VirtualCenter

Expected downtime
  1. Virtual center server
- In-place upgrade: about 10 minutes, no reboot
- Migration upgrade: no downtime

2. VMware license server: no downtime

3. ESX host: no downtime

4. Virtual machines: no downtime

  • installation media
  • license key for all purchase functionality
  • login credentials (db name, db server name. The database server name is typically the ODBC Systemdata store name (DSN) connection name for the VirtualCenter database.)

VMware - Stages of Upgrading

You can take any amount of time to complete each of the upgrade stages. However:
  • You must complete one stage before you move to the next stage.
  • After you start an upgrade stage, you cannot revert to the previous stage. Each of these stages is an irreversible process.
  • Some major stages have minor steps within them. Follow the directions within each stage regarding the required sequence of minor steps.
Stage 1–Upgrading VMware VirtualCenter
- backup SQL db
Stage 2–Upgrading Your ESX Server Hosts and Datastores
Stage 2A–Upgrading a VMware ESX Server Host
Stage 2B–Upgrading a Datastore from VMFS2 to VMFS3
Stage 3–Upgrading Your Virtual Machines
Stage 4–Upgrading VMware Tools Within the Guest Operating System

Backup SQL db
Open the management studio in SQL 2005 and connect to the SQL server engine that manage the virtual center and update manager DB. right click and select stop the database engine. Follow by that, open you my computer and browse to the folder which contain the DB and DB log for your databse.

The path of the DB folder could look similiar as D:\SQL2005\MSSQL.2\MSSQL\Data which end with .mdf and .ldf.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Changing Service Console IP Address in ESX 3.5

This is very useful want.

Changing Service Console IP Address in ESX 3.5

In case you will need to change the physical network card association (change to the network card that used by Service Console), here's the command:

esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic# vSwitch#
e.g. esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic0 vSwitch0
--> Unlink the existing network card

esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic# vSwitch#
e.g. esxcfg-vswitch -U vmnic1 vSwitch0
--> Link the correct network card

How you can confirm you link the correct network card to the Service Console?

-> Until you can browse to http://esxhostname (subsitute esxhostname with your ESX host name)

Actually this is not that difficult, but remember you will require console access to the server. Be sure to put the machine in Maintenance Mode then Disconnect it from Virtual Center. Then connect to the console of the ESX host;

  1. First we need to remove the old IP, the easiest way is to delete the vswif interface
    • esxcfg-vswif -d vswif0
      • replace vswif0 with the interface you’d like to remove
  2. Then we need to create a new vswif interface with our new IP address
    • esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p Service\ Console -i -n -b
      • replace vswif0 with the interface you’d like to use
      • replace Service\ Console with the name of your Service Console portgroup (this is the default)
      • -i reflects your new IP
      • -n reflects your subnet
      • -b reflects your broadcast
  3. Now we need to update our default gateway
    • This is a simple change to the /etc/sysconfig/network file
  4. One last thing you’ll want to do after changing your gateway is reset the vswif interface, this will ensure it is connected as well as generate the new default gateway.
    • esxcfg-vswif -s vswif0 (this will disable the vswif0 interface)
    • esxcfg-vswif -e vswif0 (this will enable the vswif0 interface)

That’s it…. Now do NOT forget to update DNS and your HOSTS files, then I would suggest doing a ipconfig /flushdns on your VirtualCenter server before you attempt to re-connect the Host in VirtualCenter.


HA Agent on ESX-HOST in cluster CLUSTER-NAME has an error

If you came across this error message when configuring HA:
"HA Agent on ESX-HOST in cluster CLUSTER-NAME has an error"

First thing you will need to check is your name resolution, which is your DNS.

Try to PING each other from the ESX. If you able to do so, the next thing you probably need to check is the /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf files

Especially when you have change the service console ip, the ip in /etc/hosts file most probably still point to the old ip, also the host name is case sensitive.

VMWare - HA

HA prerequisites:

  • All hosts in an HA cluster must have access to the same shared storage locations used byall virtual machines on the cluster. This includes any fibre channel, iSCSI, and NFS datastores used by virtual machines.
  • All hosts in an HA cluster should have an identical virtual networking configuration. If
    a new switch is added to one host, the same new switch should be added to all hosts in
    the cluster.
  • All hosts in an HA cluster must resolve the other hosts using DNS names.

VMWare - Edit .vmx file

You can edit your .vmx file if your .vmdk folder path changed. Here where your .vmx file on ESX.

VMWare VMotion

Each of the ESX Server hosts that are involved in VMotion must meet the following

  • Shared VMFS storage for the virtual machines files
  • A gigabit network card with a VMkernel port defined and enabled for VMotion on each host

HP c7000 Blade System

Our company just bought a HP c7000 Blade System recently, no doubts I have fun configuring it this few weeks.

Front view 1

Front view 2

Rear view 1

Rear view 2

Rear view 3



  • esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1 -> This create a new vSwitch1
  • esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic1 vSwitch1 -> This will link my second physical network interface (vmnic1) to vSwitch1
  • esxfg-vswitch -U vmnic1 vSwitch1 -> This will unlink NIC to vSwitch
  • esxcfg-vswitch -A "Service Console" vSwitch0 -> This will create a new port group named Service Console.
  • esxfg-vswitch -A "VMtion" vSwitch1 -> This will create a new port group named VMotion and associate it to vSwicth1.
  • esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p "Service Console" -a -n -b -> This will create new L3 interface which is linked to SC port group with an static IP. ESX server will generate new L2 mac address and assign this to the vswif2 interface.
  • esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n VMotion -> This will assign an IP and subnet mask to the VMotion port group.
Below is the steps to
-- Create a new vSwitch named vSwitch1
-- Associate a physical NIC, in this case vmnic1 to the vSwitch1
-- Create a new Port Group under vSwitch1
-- Create a new NIC under vSwitch1 and assign it an IP and subnet

Changing the DNS server settings
To change the DNS server settings, update the nameserver IPs and search domain the /etc/resolv.conf file.

VMWare - Resize VMFS block size

You are experiencing these issues:

Creating a virtual disk larger than a certain size fails with these errors:
  • In the ESX host command line:

    Failed to create virtual disk: There is not enough space on the file system for the selected operation.
  • In the Virtual Infrastructure (VI) Client for ESX 3.0 with VirtualCenter 2.0:
  • In the VI Client for ESX 3.5 with Virtual Center 2.5 and in vSphere 4.0 with vCenter:

VMFS Size Limitations

There is no way to change the block size of a VMFS datastore once it is created. The data store must be reformatted with the required block size.
Block Size
Largest virtual disk on VMFS-2
Largest virtual disk on VMFS-3
Invalid block size
Invalid block size
Invalid block size
With a block size of 1MB, every file that is created uses at least 1MB of space on the storage, regardless of its actual size. With an 8MB block size, a 1KB file still occupies 8MB of space. The unused space in that block is wasted. The larger block size is only required when a file is so large that it requires an extended addressing space. Being aware of the intended use helps with your planning and efficient use of space on the data store.
To create a resized datastore:

Note: All data on a VMFS volume is lost when the data store is recreated. Backup all data before proceeding.
  • In the VI Client / vSphere connected to VirtualCenter / vCenter:

    1. Remove the datastore from one of the ESX hosts.
    2. Rescan for VMFS volumes from the other hosts that can see the datastore.
    3. Create the new datastore on one of the hosts.
    4. Rescan for VMFS volumes from all other hosts that can see the datastore.

  • From the ESX console:

    1. Use vmkfstools to create a new volume over the existing one.
    2. Rescan from all other ESX hosts with the command vmkfstools -V . For syntax on creating the VMFS volume, please consult the appropriate document listed below.